We are delighted and proud to share that we achieved a BRC AA+ certification during our first unannounced BRC/IFS audit.
This is the highest possible BRC rating that can be achieved and is once more the official confirmation which proves that Brinkers is truly dedicated to maintaining the safety and quality of all products that we allow to enter and leave our premises.
BRC Global Standard for Food Safety is a safety and quality certification scheme which contains requirements for food processors to follow in order to build an effective food safety management system. It provides a framework to manage product safety, integrity, legality and quality.
The BRC Global Standards are strict and detailed, scrutinizing every possible area where food safety could potentially be compromised.
Companies who participate in the unannounced BRC audit choose to be challenged at the highest level, confirmed by the plus sign at the end of the score. The auditor may arrive at the company any time after a certain date, so everyone needs to be ready at all times.
Because of our commitment to operating at the highest level of quality and food safety every day, we have chosen to undergo the unannounced audit.
Our BRC AA+ status is a huge compliment to all the hardworking and dedicated people in our company who are always focused on achieving excellence every single day.
In these challenging times, this result gives us the confidence to continue to do what we do best:
being so much better in chocolate spreads…
For more information, please contact: Claudine Vrooijink, Marketing Manager Brinkers Food (c.vrooijink@brinkers.com)